Saturday, 2 May 2009

Thur. 30/4/09 & Fri. 1/5/09

Sorry for anyone wondering where the daily updates went - Thursday was a long day as was Friday so here is the quick round up.

Went to Dr's Thursday morning, Dr happy with my progress and like my new haircut. I requested a liver function test and will be giving blood on Tuesday. Spent the rest of the day in Gloucester and then went straight to poker night (4 x stella - usually 6 or 8). Got home past midnight and hence no update.

Friday up and about early - was due in Pershore but given day off (cheers Paul) so got some more spring cleaning done - off to work at 5 till 11 and then back home for some serious poker playing - got to bed about 4am (no drinks).

Time now for some brunch and more can crushing - off to a party tonight so todays update will probably roll over into tomorrows.

Oh heard from the NHS alcohol team via letter - I'm on the waiting list...

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